Patient Counselling Office

In addition to high-quality health care, we provide our premises at NCI to a Patient Counselling Office, where volunteers from the "NIE RAKOVINE" alliance and the patient association Europacolon Slovensko from the ranks of former patients, help oncology patients. During 14 years of activity, the counselling offices in Bratislava and Košice, as well as the online counseling center, provided help to almost 3.000 patients.


former patients advise current patients

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.

NCI, Klenová 1, Bratislava, in the Main Building on the 2nd floor

volunteers help patients and their relatives cope with difficult situations

they provide advice, help and psychological support, social counseling, practical advice on how to manage treatment, how to obtain the right information, how to communicate, nutritional counselling and counselling for ostomy patients

No need to make an appointment.

FREE INFOLINE: 0800 800 183


Alliance "NIE RAKOVINE" is an independent non-profit patient organization that helps improve the situation in oncology, helps, supports, educates and defends the rights of oncology patients regardless of diagnosis, unites institutions and all those who have an impact on mitigating the effects of cancer on the lives of our citizens. The patient association Europacolon SLOVENSKO unites patients, the public and experts in the fight against colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer and tumors of the digestive system.

The goal of both patient organizations is to protect lives, educate, spread awareness, unite all key authorities in the fight against malignant diseases, treatable with early diagnosis, and further bring knowledge about the needs of oncology patients, protect their rights to affordable modern healthcare, diagnostics, treatment, prevention, adequate quality of life and psychosocial support of patients with oncological disease.


